Executive Program Offering Alternative Alcohol Addiction Treatment

Individualized, evidence-based treatment for executives and professionals seeking to moderate or abstain from drinking alcohol. Our approach is fundamentally different from most traditional treatment programs focusing on moderation and harm reduction.

Elysian Treatment Houston - Addiction Recovery


Alcohol moderation and abstention

We partner with clients to help them recover and change their drinking habits. This includes a range of options to reduce consumption, including abstinence. We meet clients where they are and work with them to achieve their goals around drinking. If these goals change as they progress through the program, we change with them.

Holistic approach

At Elysian, we believe a successful treatment program necessarily incorporates all aspects of life including psychological, physical and social factors. We work with clients to create a program that aligns with their lifestyle and restores the balance of alcohol consumption.

Integrative alcohol treatment

Stress, depression, insomnia, and trauma are often the root cause of excessive drinking. We work with clients to develop a personalized program and therapies that addresses any underlying issues or co-occurring concerns that may arise from alcohol use.

Doctorate level professionals

All of our therapists have doctorate degrees. Each psychologist has extensive training and experience in the treatment of alcohol use and related concerns. And, therapies are evidence-based practices supported by the most recent scientific data.

Foundational Treatment Program


Am I drinking too much?

At Elysian, it's always personal.

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